
CR has decided to do something new! We are now implementing gangs into Hexasol, created by you guys!
What is a gang?
A gang is a group of 4+ members that are not part of the Tempest, Iris or Lexis. They have their own morals, their own ideas, their own rules. They even get their own territory!
How do I create a gang?
The easiest way to form a gang is to probably post your idea in the plot page. If you have an idea for a gang but have no members, I'm sure other people would be interested in helping out. Once you have four or more characters in this gang, then you can post in the gang thread in the Gift Shop.
Do I get to choose their territory?
Yep! You get the freedom to pick a brand new territory for your gang. A staff member will create a sub-board in the Gang board with your territory. However, your territory can't be a significant piece of Hexasol (such as a theme park or a cathedral), but instead will have to be smaller (such as a fairground or a church). Staff members will ask you to change your territory if we deem it too large.
So what do these gangs do?
They do whatever you like! You could even get into contact with leaders of Tempest/Iris/Lexis and see whether they could be affiliated with each other. Feel free to plot with other gangs, even start little feuds between each other.
Will there be a gang leader?
I ask that there should either be one or two gang leaders. These will be the members who have control over the gang, create the rules, etc.
Do gangs cost?
Ah, the question you've all been dreading for. Well, yes, gangs do cost, but this is only to stop too many being created that will go inactive. Every new gang costs 400 tokens, which will have to be paid by the gang leader/s. If there are two gang leaders, then you can split the cost (200 tokens each). If you are the only gang leader, then you'll have to pay the whole 400.
If I want to join another person's gang, do I have to ask permission?
This might depend on what gang you want to join. Just send a quick PM to the owner of the gang if you are unsure.
What happens if the gang numbers drop lower than 4?
If you have less than four gang members for over a real life month, then a staff remember will have to contact the owner of the gang and tell them that they are removing the territory. They will be refunded the tokens that they paid for.
I have a question but it's not here...
PM me if you still have questions or ask in the cbox
I just thought of a cool idea for gangs!
I'm still up for gangs being edited. If you have a good idea, then please PM me or post in the suggestions board.
To get a gang, fill out the form in the gift shop here.